Friday, March 5, 2010

Flowing Tiers Tank

File this under love it, love it, love it, need it, must have it, will buy it! The spring catalog from Anthropologie arrived this week and it was not until today that I had a chance to peruse its lovely pages. And, I am still drooling. Their spring collection is very nice, and I am not usually a huge Anthropologie fan. The clothes this season are ultra feminine, textured, flowy, some great prints and just really, really pretty! Most are a bit too dressy (nice)for my immediate needs and current position as indentured servant, but I think I can definitely find some place to wear this tank to, and if not, screw it, I will wear it around after the kids go to bed or on a solo trip to Wegmans and just feel pretty!!

Things I Like... jersey and chiffon tank that will "shish and sway in the breeze"

1 comment:

  1. I am with you. This is lovely and I may have to visit Anthropolgie this week to do some recon on this years fashions!
