Sunday, February 28, 2010

Eva Cassidy

I daydream that when I open my mouth to sing, this voice comes out. Eva Cassidy was a folksy, bluesy cover artist--an amazing, and sadly, relatively unknown talent. Her voice is beautiful and her renditions are truly moving--my favorites are Fields of Gold, Songbird and Time after Time. Her voice is as beautiful as her story is, in a sense, tragic (google her if you need to know!). I am not sure how her songs were "discovered," I first heard them in a yoga class---it was after a hips class during savasana---and the tears just started streaming down my face....cathartic. I have been a huge fan ever since.

Things I Like....Eva Cassidy (and a good cry!)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

a good man

For the past two nights and days, our house has been plagued by the stomach bug. It all began with Max who was up the majority of Thursday night vomiting everywhere imaginable...3 complete bed changes later (oy vey! the laundry!) and he was on the mend come Friday and good as new Friday night. To try and stave off this nastiness and save the rest of us from getting this bug, I quarantined Max from the other kids for most of the day. Embarrassingly, I also admit that in a desperate attempt to stay well, I even tried that crazy onion trick (you know, the one were you slice an onion and stick it in each "sick" room to ward off/absorb the sickness--well, spoiler alert! it did nothing more than make my house stink like onion! don't laugh, I was desperate and trying to be holistic---whatevs!) So, Friday comes and goes and we are all good, no puke to speak of...until around midnight...and it is Michael's turn...he is a very dramatic puker, proclaimed a couple of times that he was dying (poor baby!) and wanted to be someone else (so sad!) and he somehow managed to cover any territory missed by his brother the previous night, twin power!! (note: my laundry room is overflowing with pukey sheets, towels and superhero pj's!). Mike got it bad, my child who is up like clockwork at 6:02 every morning and then continues to moves a mile a minute, laid in his bed until about 11am...we were worried. But, before we could become too concerned about Mike in bed, puke apparently begets puke and it was Anna's turn! She came running into the kitchen stripped down to her pajama bottoms (because she was feeling hot) and then without a moments notice...projectile...all over...she hit me! About 10 minutes later, it was my turn. I tried to keep it together, tried just hangin' out on the couch, mind over matter my mantra, but before long, this mom was out for the count...and I have been writhing in bed with a nasty stomach bug ever since!

I rarely get sick, and when I do, I never retreat to my bed... I always manage to hold it together and somehow get through, especially when my kids are sick!! Well, not this time, I had no choice, I was completely knocked on my ass (for the second time this week, the first time, I literally fell square on my butt shoveling icy times.) I told Mitia, my dear, sweet man, that I needed about an hour to rest...that was at noon, it is now 9:30 and I am just sitting up, sipping water, enjoying a popsicle...and finally keeping it down (sorry, TMI, I know). I know I should not have to make special mention of the fact that he held it together today, after all he is their Dad and that is part of his job. Today, however, I just have to give him props because besides a kiss good night from my babes and assurances that I was, in fact, not dying, I didn't hear a peep out of them all day!! He somehow manage to keep them away from my room AND quiet all day!! I am sure the fact that 2 out of the three were not feeling all so well had something to do with it, and honestly, I am not sure I want to know what they did all day, but in any event, I am grateful!! He emptied their little puke buckets, rubbed their backs, made them toast, rationed out teaspoons of water and well, was the most amazing nurturer today! Hooray for a good man!
Things I good man!

Friday, February 26, 2010

In need of a little spring

Like much of the Northeast, we are once again snowed in. Well, not literally snowed in, but we do have lots of (way too much) snow. March is a few days away, which means April (the last month of winter in Rochester) is that much closer....sigh....still seems like we have a bit of a haul to get to spring!! I am definitely in need of a little spring-is-on-its-way pick-me-up...something small that will remind me it is coming....something that evokes the memory of taking a spring break somewhere warm, tropical, fun! Something bright, colorful, not anything too pricey and god knows nothing that I will have to squeeze my winter butt and hips into (and for that one reason only, I am glad spring is a few months off!). Something exactly like these great bangles by Kate Spade! They are so much fun, and each bracelet is engraved with a cute little idiom (pink: Tickled Pink!, black: ace up your sleeve). When you touch them, hear them, see them, they will serve as a reminder that a brighter season is indeed only month(s) away!!

Things I Like....Kate Spade Idiom Bangle Bracelet

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Not having to wear these shoes!

OMG! I saw this picture randomly today and just knew that it somehow had to make it into my blog for the day! Dilemma: I don't like them. Solution: I LOVE my feet! Can you believe these things?? Here, take a closer look:

I mean really, I can appreciate fashion-art fusion (faart?), but please explain to me, what is the point (literally) with these shoes? Are they supposed to be making some sort of social statement--reminding us of the days of the concubine with the bound foot and just how far (or not) we have come? Are they meant to be post-feminist? I believe they are by a female designer, is she reclaiming this part of history for herself? Taking back the power? Kind of an old cliche, I mean, really, what is more stereotypically female than shoes? But,that third wave passed almost two decades ago. I just can't imagine that they are meant to be worn, and can kind of see the post-feminist in them, but I think I am siding with art...they must just be art. Help me out here if you have any clue...
I love my size 6's, not because they are cute (which they are) but because they literally ground me. Just think about all we ask our feet to do on a daily basis...they are amazing! I love a pretty shoe as much as the next girl, and can rock a stiletto like it's nobody's business, but if I had my druthers I would be barefoot (and not pregnant!) or in UGGS (scoff if you must, but they are the ultimate in comfortable shoes!). Love your tootsies!

Things I feet...and post-feminist shoe art?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Unexpected Find

Not talking about shopping....I am a sucker for a good quote and I love stumbling upon a new one unexpectedly--like a surprise gift for the soul. I found one of those today!

My heart holds within it every form,
it contains a pasture for gazelles,
a monastery for Christian monks.
There is a temple for idol-worshippers,
A holy shrine for pilgrims;
There is the table of the Torah,
and the book of the Koran.
I follow the religion of Love
and go whichever way His camel leads me.
This is the true faith;
This is the true religion.
It is a very long way to go.
-Ibn al-Arabi

Thins I Like... An unexpected find!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Champ loves the snow, and I love how much he loves the snow. He literally bathes in it--diving in it, rolling around in it, eating it--he just loves it! I know he drives our neighbors crazy, because he wants to be outside all the time...and he loves to hear his own voice and chat with the other dogs in the neighborhood...true to our home, he is not quiet. He is a Golden and has an intense love for life. It is a JOY to watch. I feel like he is always thinking "wow, this is AWESOME!" or "this is even MORE AWESOME that that other awesome thing." Everyday is like his first day of consciousness, he just enjoys life so much....and I thoroughly enjoy watching him!

Things I Like....CHAMP

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Good Cause

This spring, I have decided that we are going to focus a bit more on our civic responsibilities as a family. We are going to participate in the March of Dimes Walk for Babies in May and are committed to raising $200---we better get going on that! This "first" for our family prompted me to look at some other opportunities to get involved in the community, and the Fairy Godmothers Program just jumped out at me! I am not even sure if I can volunteer for this one (I would love to), but just love what they are all about!! Basically, the fairy godmother team spends the year collecting donated prom gowns/accessories and holds a prom fair each spring for area high school juniors and seniors who are actively enrolled in school and could otherwise not afford a gown! Hundreds of volunteers from the community sign up to be "personal shoppers" for the day and spend the afternoon outfitting the girls in prom attire. As they say on their website "We may not actually have magic wands, but we create a little magic for each and every girl who attends one of our prom fairs." I just love this idea and applaud the folks who work hard year round to make this event a reality!! I certainly hope to be a personal shopper this March 20--if you are in the Rochester area and are interested, please visit the site and sign up!

Things I Like....Fairy Godmothers

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Night TV

I don't watch much prime time tv during the week (with the exception of my hour of power on soap net), but when Sunday rolls around, I am a couch potato from 8pm on! The tv marathon begins with The Amazing Race at 8pm...a great show...Tash and John, I fuly expect to be watching you race around the world one day! We are only two episodes into this season, so I can't really comment much about the current cast of characters, but last season was very entertaining!
Then at 9pm, the drama starts. Big Love. Oh Bill, how can one person deal with so much, and why would anyone want more than one wife!?!? Geesh!! This season, the challenges facing the family are borderline ridiculous and almost too much....almost...still very, very entertaining. Nikki Grant is my favorite wife, and I think this is because she is the most stereotypical Mormon wife in the bunch. True Confession: I don't know why, but I am obsessed with Mormons on TV. I hope this is not offensive, because there is really no offense intended. No judgment, at all, and I can't quite explain it, but I am just intrigued by anything Mormon on TV. It all began with a documentary on PBS, The Mormons, detailing the history and modern day experience of was fascinating. Then came the whole Texas compund raid, and my obsession deepened. I felt a need to learn all that I could about this group and their way of life, so, of course I watched the Oprah expose. Okay, so this may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but I really am fascinated by the culture and their practices. I say, who are we to interfere...let Bill and the gang be!!!
Finally, the evening culminates with the show that lately makes me cry almost every week...Brothers and Sisters. Sally Field looks like my mom. That really has nothing to do with anything, but it just happens to be true. Great show, good drama, and Rob Lowe...just doesn't get any better.
So, it is 8:19 and I am half writing, half watching The Amazing Race... I fear I am not multi-tasking well as my attention is definitely split here...time to go!

Things I Like...Sunday SUNDAY (ala Al Roker) night TV!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hardtail Fold Over Yoga Pants

I, for one, am so happy to see that leggings are back in style! I lived in leggings and oversized sweaters during my college years and have to say it was a sad, sad day for me when I had to put them away! Now that they are back in style, I probably won't be buying a pair anytime soon (some things should stay fond memories!), but I believe that I have found a successful, updated, more acceptable-for-my-age-and-status (status=mom) pant that has that same type of feel....Hardtail Yoga Pants! I think I love them even more than I loved my leggings. They are comfy and stretchy and figure flattering! They are great for yoga and for wearing every day! I wear them to a class when I know I have to go out in public after...pair them with a sweater or a long-sleeve and I am good to go! And, I am not a tall girl, so unlike the full length Lululemon pants that leave miles of fabric over my feet(and I love Lululemon so am sad that I am NOT a tall-enough girl), these fit my height and "wear up" well! These are a definite staple in my wardrobe (ie: I wear a pair almost every day) and I am currently shopping around for the capri length pant as I know I will not be able to survive this spring without them!!

Things I like...Hardtail Fold Over Yoga Pants

Friday, February 19, 2010

The North End Italian Cookbook

Ok, so before I begin this blog, I just have to say that I am feeling pretty cool right now as I watch Oprah talking about a couple of the things that I have featured in earlier blogs...Ralph Lauren Olympic duds and Double McTwist 1260. I feel a kindred spirit!

Okay, onto this blog! This is my favorite, most used, most loved cookbook. I am not Italian, but I sure can cook like I am thanks to this book! Funny story on how my relationship started with this one! About 10 years ago I was living in Boston and working for AT&T. These were good times and each summer AT&T would host a big clambake for its employees (I am sure like many other things in this new era of fiscal responsibility that this tradition is long gone!) So, at this clambake I had my very first lobster, ever, and a beer. And then I started feeling sick, really, really sick--so I got into my beloved 83' Brown Saab, Betty (RIP), and left. The picnic was on the South Shore, which is about a good hours drive from Boston on a summer afternoon. I was feeling so sick during my ride, I called Mitia (not yet my husband), on my giant motorolla flip phone, and asked him to meet me at the nearest landmark that he could get to quickly, the Copley Mall in Boston. I arrived at the mall first and was feeling sick to my stomach, woozy, like I had been slipped a mickey or something--literally, on the verge of passing out, the entire mall spinning around me. So, to pass some time and to avoid going into a full-fledged panic atack, I calmly walked into the bookstore and purchased the first book that I saw thinking that I would be able to sit and focus my mind on something. This was the book--and I sat, on the floor, in the back of that bookstore in the Copley Mall until Mitia came to my rescue. A few weeks later I had shrimp tempura and again felt that same sensation of being on the verge of passing out and just really, really sick. The next week I visited the allergist and aha! shellfish allergy!

So, while I don't touch any of the seafood recipes in this book, I have tried many, many others and they are all magnifico! MY "signature dish" for many years was the homemade ricotta gnocchi in a broccoli cream sauce--yum!!! I use this book at least a couple of times a week. It has achieved gold-medal status in my kitchen and has been rewarded with its own very special area, separate from all those other cook books, so that it is always at arms reach. In fact, simmering on my stove as I type is my second batch of Pasta e Fagioli this week. It is an affordable, easy, delicious and healthy soup---I just love it! AND, HAPPY FRIDAY TO YOU!! I am delighted to share the recipe with you--give it a try over the weekend, I am certain your family will love it as much as we do!!

Pasta e Fagioli

To Prepare Beans
1/2 pound white navy or pea beans (I use half bag of Goya white navy)
6 cups cold water (I use 3 cups chicken broth and 3 cups cold water)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 garlic cloves crushed
S&P to taste

Rinse beans, discard any imperfect ones.
Put water/stock in pot, add beans, garlic, olive oil, s&p
Simmer until beans are tender 1.5-2hours (usually closer to 2)

Marinara Sauce
2 garlic cloves chopped
pinch of dried red pepper flakes, basil and mint
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 8 oz can tomatoes ( I actually use the 14.5 oz can of muir glen diced tomatoes with basil and garlic)

In a small, heavy skillet, slowly saute the garlic and seasonings in the olive oil until golden brown
add tomatoes and a pinch more of the seasonings
simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes on low

To Finish!
Boil some small pasta (I like small shells the best, but ditali or elbow macaroni are good alternatives) reserve 1 cup of the pasta water
When the beans are tender, add the marinara sauce and a SMALL amount of the cooked pasta (I add the pasta as we eat it b/c it absorbs the broth like you wouldn't believe! Don't add all of the pasta in at once to avoid it absorbing all the soup!) If more broth is desired, add from the reserved pasta water
Ladle into bowls, sprinkle with grated parm and enjoy!!

Things I Like....The North End Italian Cookbook by Marguerite Dimino Buonopane

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Double McTwist 1260

HOLY COW!! There is a new idol in the house this morning and his name is Shaun White!! Did you see the Flying Tomato last night?? Hands down the most fun and most entertaining event of the entire Olympics, and thank you, Shaun, for making it a spectacular event to watch! All my darling husband could say was "wow, look at that amplitude." To which this artic cougar replied, "Dude, Shaun busted Angelo-Style. His Double McTwist 1260 was hella crispy and caused an ancillary stoke! Bonus Life!"

So, tonight it's the Bettys' turn and I thought that I could help prepare you for the event by clueing you in on some of the lingo used by the posse so you don't sound as gnar as my hubby (I am posting this early in the day so you have some time to study up!). Admittedly, I have never boarded in my life, and if I did, I would be the accessory man blasting a dookie, rolling down the windows and ultimately taking the ass pass to a yard would be craptastic! So while a bingo may not be in my future, I definitely know my way around google and thanks to, I can at least attempt to talk the talk!

These are so much fun!

BETTY: female snowboarder
BITCHIN" CALFDICK--its when your high backs press into your calfs making it impossible to ride.
BONED OUT: used to explain the emphasis of style in a trick. if someone "boned out a indy" they would grab hard and create an emphasis of the maneuver such that his/her legs may appear extended or stretched to a maximum degree.
ACCESSORY MAN: A snowboarder with every piece of snowboard gear imaginable. He has been known to use it all at the same time whether or not the circumstances call for it.
AIRDOG: A snowboarder who jumps most of the time and is most interested in airial tricks
ANCILLARY STOKE: The condition bestowed upon an onlooker or crowd as a snowboarder pulls off a totally insane maneuver.
ANGELO: A perfectly performed trick, turn or jump. With no fall involved, only professionals can be called. E.G. "That guy is busting Angelo-style!"
ARTIC COUGAR: An old lady who goes for really young guys on the slops and in the lodge
ASSPASS: when you fall on your ass but going so fast that you pass people on your ass -he pulled the old ''asspass'' on me, and flew right by!
BEEF WELLINGTON: Something thats hella big or tricky
BEIGE: Totally wack e.g. "Did you see that hoedad in the cafe? That is so beige,"
BONUS LIFE: When you smoke the competitors in a competition
BINGO: When you pull-off 3 360s in a row
BLASTED A DOOKIE: Seeing someone fall really hard while watching from the lift. e.g. "That kid blasted a dookie."
CHUMPLES: A fat kid that has no skillz
CRAPTASTIC: Fantastically crapy. Examples: "the conditions on the Mt are craptastic." or "that craptastic landing wishboned my board."
CRASHTASTIC: this word is used when you observe someone who has completely beefed so bad that it is amazing that they are alive.
CRISPY: Used to define something that happened and was awsome -"That was stunt was hella crispy bro!" (also see Crunchy)
CRUNCHY: A term used to describe something great, i.e., "The snow is super crunchy right now."
DEATH COOKIE: a big snowball in the middle of a run frozen to the ground.
FREAK A LEAK: to take a piss
GANJALA RIDE: A ride on the gondola, during which the occupants partake of some kind bud.
GROMMET (GROM): Another name for a small, young snowboarder. Especially one who is very "in" to snowboarding.
KRUNKED: Someone that gets so messed up they cant move for like 45 seconds. e.g. "That dude just got krunked on that 15-stair!"
LAWN CHAIR AIR: To jump very high and then to collapse like a lawn chair upon impact.
MYSTERY DATE: When you stick your back arm out for balance
ROLLING DOWN THE WINDOWS: A phrase used to describe when someone is caught off balance and they rotate their arms wildly in the air to try and recover.
RUBE GOLDBERG: A term to describe a huge combonatoiin of tricks. E.G. he pulled a Rube Goldbe
STOMP: A term used to describe making a good landing. e.g. "He stomped that McTwist."
STRAIGHT AIR: The absolute pinnacle of mankinds aerial achievements on a snowboard!
TENDER VITTLES: Young men who go for Arctic Cougars
YARD SALE: When a boarder (or skiier) bails so hard their hat/goggles/etc go flying. "Did you see that gnar yard sale?"

So there you have it, snowbaording 101!

Things I Like...Snowboarders!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Farmer's Luck

The Farmer's Luck
There was once an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day, his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.
“Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it two other wild horses.
“Such good luck!” the neighbors exclaimed.
“Maybe,” replied the farmer.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown off, and broke his leg. Again, the neighbors came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.
“Such bad luck,” they said.
“Maybe,” answered the farmer.
The day after that, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army to fight in a war. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by.
“Such good luck!” cried the neighbors.
“Maybe,” said the farmer.

Things I Like....anything zen

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February Break....NOT!

You have to be a crazy person or a teacher to think that February break is a good idea. Well, regrettably, I am not a teacher and although some may argue I am a crazy lady, I stand firm behind my conviction that I am 80% sane at any given time. I may have my crazy days (this whole week included in that count), but I have to say that a week of no school during this long, cold, blah month --on the heels of winter break and too close for comfort to spring break--is simply not a well thought out plan. God knows who/how/when it really originated (some blame the energy crisis in 1970s) but it is now 2010 and time to end this madness! It disrupts continuity in learning and leaves working parents scrambling to find coverage and at-home parents just simply exhausted, disoriented and burning through cash to fill up those too cold and too blah February days. I refuse to go to any child-centric place this week because I know it will be an absolute zoo and petri dish (the last thing I need is another germ in this house!). So, we have been taking trips to Wegmans and Target and BJ's--we will probably hit up the library and Blockbuster or RedBox a few times before the week is out. We have baked cookies, cleaned out the play area and bedrooms. We did some crafts, invested in new playdoh, have cycled through almost every board game and have read a lot of books. The kids have been playing (tormenting) each other and have professed their utter boredom, oh, perhaps, 10 thousand times, and I have not had a moments peace.
Perhaps if you have one child or can go on a great vacation somewhere warm you might also be a fan of this week...but I would venture to guess we are all ready for school to start up by Wednesday! Today, I bribed good behavior in Wegmans with the promise of a scratch ticket each...Anna won $1...and then cried when the lady looked at me in horror when I let her try to cash it in...apparently there are laws about children cahing in scratch tickets!! Seriously, I am done with it. It is Tuesday and I am exhausted...period...the end....
You must be saying to yourself by this point, this is soo not a blog about something she likes...but oh my friends, it soo is. More than ever before, I like kindergarten teachers. How they are able to keep up with the boundless energy of 5 and six year olds is a mystery unto itself...add in the additional tasks of discipline, keeping them engaged and actually succeeding in having them learn something is nothing less than amazing. Kindergarten teachers, my hat is off to you this week! I am truly grateful for all that you do and all that you are truly special people! I hope that you are resting up this week, maybe in some exotic locale, sipping cocktails poolside while finalizing lesson plans for next so deserve it! But be prepared, I give you fair warning, my kids will be geared up and ready to go...first at the bus line bright and early on Monday I am sure they will be as ready to get back as I will be to kiss their precious little heads and wave as they smile at me out the bus window...and then I will collapse and say a little prayer of thanks for kindergarten teachers!!


Monday, February 15, 2010


My dirty little secret--I love trashy tv--not like Rock of Love trashy, but your standard, good old-fashioned soap opera trashy. And, there is no better soap than All My Children (don't even dare challenge me on that one!) I have been watching AMC for oh, about 25 years, no joke...thank the good lord above for soap net. The past few shows have been extra special...the return of Greenlee! Now that Greenlee is back, omg, life just could not get any better, and if Greenlee and Ryan get back together, then all in the world will be right. Although it may not seem it, please understand that I am just your regular, everyday soap fan, not one of those people who shows up at the local mall when one of the characters comes to town---now, if I just happened to be at the mall on that day, well.....

Anywho, it provides some great entertainment, a light escape into a world that is always exciting and can be counted on to have a hearty love story, a despised villain (who may have also been the hero in a previous episode), a femme fatale and/or a swooning damsel stuck in a well or locked away, and of course, Erica Kane Martin Brent Cudahy Chandler Roy Roy Montgomery Montgomery Chandler Marick Marick Montgomery (yes, that would be 12 fabulous weddings!). It is kind of like watching a really long Victorian Novel...which might be why I like it!

Thing I hour of power..All My Children

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Journey to the Heart

This book is like a daily gift for your soul. I try to read only the daily entry/ meditation each night before I go to bed, but I find myself skipping around in the book, unable to put it down at times. It provides me with a calming close to usually hectic days, a moments peace, a convenient way to center myself and to regain some focus and peace before the well-rested kid energy comes bouncing through my bedroom door bright and early in the am!

Things I Like...Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Alecia Suede Platform Peep Toes

How much do you love these shoes?? I am not a shoe-hound, but when I saw these, I was like, wow, those are fantastic shoes!! If I were to invest in a wardrobe piece for this spring, this would definitely be it!! They can be dressed up, dressed down, worn to work, worn to play--if I could, I would buy one in every color (well, maybe not the pink). Love them!!

Things I Like...J.CREW Alecia Suede Platform Peep Toes

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Flexible Spine

Well, we all knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, and that time has indeed arrived! Yoga has made its way to the blog as a featured thing I like(I, for one, say finally!) As most of you know, yoga has taken on a significant role in my life, like a good therapist or a fourth child. I am addicted, I admit it, I crave yoga! It literally saved my life (and in lifted my butt!).

This blog, however, is not about yoga, or my "issues" it is about a major physical benefit of yoga, a flexible spine. There is a saying in yoga circles that you are as young as your spine is flexible! That is all I had to hear! In a quest to be forever young, I have been focused on the spine ever since! One great way to strengthen and improve flexibility in the spine is practicing back bends!! These are the poses I used to dread in every class until about a year or so into my practice. At that point, I decided I was going to embrace them and just let my body do its thing...and about a year after that, I finally feel comfortable and strong enough in some back bends to actually enjoy them....and I do, I LOVE back bends, they are so amazingly liberating! For me, it feels like a big yawn for the body, you know that feeling you get after taking a wonderful stretch in the morning? I love back bends!!

The pictured pose, Cobra pose or bhujangasana is one of my favorites. It is not a terribly difficult pose, but it feels ohh soo good and is filled with benefits for your body. We spend so much of our day hunched over a desk, keyboard, steering wheel, or loaded down with kids that the opportunity to actually take a long stretch in the opposite direction feels magnificent! In addition to increased strength and flexibility in your back, this pose will energize your sympathetic nervous system, and internally is a great pose for strengthening the kidneys and adrenal glands. Ahhhhhhhh....

Things I Like...A Flexible Spine

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Michael Kors watch

I am exhausted today and honestly short on time (pun intended), so this blog is going to be short and sweet!

Ode to Michael Kors (for my valentine)

Oh Michael Kors
your watches so fine
this is the one I want
from my valentine

but alas, we don't do gifts
for Valentine's day
so a girl will just have to dream
perhaps for her birthday?

maybe one day
on my wrist you will be
a gift from my darling husband
to his most loved lady.

ok...I apologize...tomorrow will be better, I promise!

Things I Like...Michael Kors watches....and Mitia, if you read this, the red is in recognition of Valentine's day...any color will do! xoxoxo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baking cookies with the kids....mostly in theory...

While most of my friends along the right coast found themselves snowed in today, here in the Roch, we enjoyed our daily serving of about 3-4 inches of snow. While not officially snowed in, we are stir crazy non-the-less. It seems as though this is the longest winter in the history of winters....and yet, I know that our winter usually lasts until April--we still have a loooong way to go. *sigh*. So, to pass some time, we have taken to baking a batch of cookies each week. Each week I enter into this activity with high hopes of harmonious cookie making, the sweetness of my cooperative children matching the sweet memories we are creating together. And each week, without fail, my dreams are quickly dashed to delusions as this activity deteriorates into a push and shove fest between my three little darlings, each vying to pour the ingredients or to stake their claim of the coveted spot directly in front of the mixer...god forbid they have to be on the side of the damned thing! And it never fails that one will start shouting and then someone will start crying and then this well intentioned mother turns into this:

And yet, each week, thinking like I am the mother of one well-behaved child instead of the mom of 3 very cute children blessed with strong personalities (aka ill-mannered) I take on this crazy activity like I have amnesia. Today, our most imperfect selves tackled the "Perfect M&M Cookies" and although they were baked through screams and shoves and tears, they turned out to be delicious cookies that filled up a nice chunk of this afternoon. I thought I would share, as this is a really easy, and in theory, fun recipe to make with the kids...and the cookies are delish! So, for all of my snowed in friends out there, here is a little sweetness to help get you through these dreaded days of winter!

Perfect M&M oookies
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp table salt
1 1/8 teaspoons baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter at room temp
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs (at room temp or warmed in warm water for 5 mins)
about 5-6 m&m's per cookie.

combine flour, salt and soda in a small bowl
combine butter, sugars, vanilla in large bowl and mix until creamy...add eggs one at a time, mix well, add flour mixture.
form dough into small golf balls (slightly flatten) and arrange on cookie sheet. bake 7-9 mins...remove from oven and immediately/gently place m&m's in hot cookies, transfer cookies to rack to cool.


Things I Like...Perfect M&M Cookies...baked by imperfect people...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Songs in the Key of Life

So, I am sick for the first time in many years. I never get sick, never...and that has held especially true since the babes came along. Moms just don't get sick, it is an unwritten rule!! I am almost insulted!! The kids are finally in bed and I have finally "punched out" for the day. So, here I am all cuddled up in my bed (feeling miserable) enjoying my umpteenth cup of tea overloaded with honey (not even hungry for my ginger snaps...refer to previous you know I must not be feeling great) and watching American Idol. I haven't been watching up to this point, but I think tonight is Ellen's debut--she's pretty funny! From what I have seen, it looks like there may be some pretty good talent this year--or perhaps the low grade temp and plugged ears are distorting my hearing! My early prediction...the guy who sang Paula Abdul's Straight Up is going to be the next American heard it here first! Well, anyway, I like American Idol, I usually don't watch it this early in the season...I am more of a bandwagon idol watcher and usually catch idol-fever later in the when there are 10 or fewer contestants left (are they contestants? I mean, it is kind of a game show, right?).

So, like that mouse who ate the cookie (if you don't have kids this reference is undoubtedly lost on you...look it up!), watching the show made me think of music and music made me think of my favorite singers, and thinking about my favorite singers made me hum my favorite song, and humming this tune reminded me of one of my all tieme favorite albums--Songs in the Key of Life (follow?). Oh how I love you, Stevie Wonder!! Although ranked #56 on Rolling Stone's top 500 albums of all time, when it was originally released in 1976, RS gave it a mixed review, stating it had no "focus or coherence." I think, perhaps, that is why I love it so much! Every time I listen to it, I discover something new, something different, some lyric or song that I had not fully appreciated before. It is also a very versatile album, and by that I mean you can really listen to it anytime, for any is great background music for family dinners or informal gatherings, great to sing to in the car on long drives, or while stretching your vocals in the shower, and my favorite thing of all, it is fabulous to dance around to in the kitchen with the kids on a Sunday morning!

So, true to my little mouse friend, thinking of my favorite album again made me think of my favorite song on the album, and I think my favorite song ever and forever is "As." If you are not familiar with this one, it is a must!!I sing this song all the time to my kids, it was a lullaby when they were little and now they have started to sing along with me. It is at the top of the "most played" list on my ipod and I have been known to belt this one out over and over and over and over and over again when driving in the car (by myself) envisioning that this will be the song I dance to with my boys on their wedding day(s)(some people text and drive, I daydream and drive!). "Just as time knew to move on from the beginning/And the seasons know exactly when to change/Just as kindness knows no shame/Know through all your joy and pain/That I'll be loving you always!" Classic, timeless lyrics! Just chokes me right up every time. Seriously, I dare you to listen to the lyrics of this song, think of your kids or someone that you love dearly, unconditionally (on a good day) and not shed a tear or two...or three. AND it is not a sappy, lovey song, it is upbeat and a great song to dance to, it will no doubt lift you to a higher ground and leave you in a great mood. For all of my yoga friends, I think this might also be a fabulous tune for some sweaty power vinyasa on a Friday morning! (it always leads back to yoga, somehow!)

So, back to the album. Many great tunes to be found here, including, Love's in Need of Love Today, Pastime Paradise, Summer Soft, Village Ghetto Land. I have to agree with India.Arie in her ode to Stevie Wonder, "Wonderful" that SW is definitely the WS (Shakespeare) of our times. His lyrics are eloquent and powerful, his rhythms inspiring and this album sums it all up beautifully.

Things I Like.... Stevie Wonder! and I especially heart Songs in the Key of Life

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mi-del Ginger Snaps

Mi-del = Yum-my!! Definitely classify these under "current obsession." These are my all time favorite store bought cookies. I could probably eat an entire bag in a day (and I probably have!). If you love ginger or molasses cookies, you have to try these! They are crunchy and chewey and ginger..y. Just perfect with a hot cup of tea! The best part is on the scale of junk food, they aren't really all that bad for you!! The man who invented these wanted his kids to have a nutritious snack, so no additives or preservatives. They are made with unbleached wheat flour, canola oil and natural ginger and sweetened with molasses, so really, not terribly junky....and yet, sooo delicious!!

Also, for all of the celiac sufferers out there, they come in a gluten free variety, although I have not tried those so can't really vouch for their palatability but am sure that they will not disappoint!

Things I Like....Mi-Del Ginger Snaps

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ralph Lauren 2010 US Olympic Collection

Yes, I appreciate that today is Superbowl Sunday. The kids are all excited to watch the game with their dad...which will probably last all of 10 minutes before they get bored and then start to annoy him while he is trying to watch the game. I could really care less and may watch for a bit, but as soon as Big Love comes on, I am out of there! Anywho, I thought it would be appropriate to blog about something sports related on this Super Sunday and what better than something I am really looking forward to watching, the 2010 Olympics! What fun!!

The Olympics are less than a week away with opening ceremonies on February 12. And guess who has the honor of dressing the athletes from the U.S.A yet again this year? You guessed it (or not) Mr. Ralph Lauren. And guess what else?? You too can dress like an olympian. The RL site is decked out with cute (albeit pricey) olypmic-themed duds for the entire family. With express shipping, I bet you can outfit your entire family in matching olympic outfits (for a small fortune) just in time for opening ceremonies! I particularly like that for only $165 you can get a track jacket with your name on it (with a max of 10 characters Lopoukhine will just make it...phew!!). Seriously, this is THE steal on the website. Just think about it, you can save youself hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of training and can be (dressed like) an Olympic athlete. You might even become an instant celeb around town because who is going to know that your official US Olympic track jacket with your name on it is really not an official team jacket...and they might even ask you what sport you participated in...and you might even be bold enough to make up some fabulous details and whip out a gold or better yet bronze medal (who remembers who won bronze? make it believable!)and then just move on with your day feeling like an accomplished athelete and knowing you probably just made someone's day (hey honey, guess who I met today??). What a fun social experiment it could be!!

Well, it really is a cute jacket as is the cozy fleece hoodie, the winter hat and some of the other long sleeved t's. So, dig deep (into your wallet)find your team pride and your olympic spirit and for a few weeks get caught up in the fun that is the olympics...and look fabulous doing it!!

Things I Like...Ralph Lauren U.S. Olympic Collection

Friday, February 5, 2010

Gap Body: Pure Body Long-Sleeved T

I have to admit that I am a big fan of function over fashion. I think this is a result of too many years working from a home office and then, of course, having messy little kids. Without exaggeration, I would bet that I have worn yoga pants and a t-shirt for at least a portion of every day for the past 6 years, if not longer. My dependence on cozy clothes (aka "lounge wear") is a bad one, I tell you!! On those days when I do have to suck it up and actually get dressed in something presentable (aka jeans and a sweater) because I will be in a public place with other adults, the first thing I do when I get home is change into my lulu's and a t-shirt.....ahhhh......

And, the t-shirt I have been wearing most often? You guessed it--the Pure Body Long Sleeved T-Shirt from Gap Body. I love Gap Body and I love this t so much that I have one in every color and probably wear one every day. It is a t-shirt that stands out from the rest because it is thin enough to wear under a sweater or a short-sleeved t-shirt and thick enough to wear on its own, or layer over a favorite tank. It is well made and has proven it is able to withstand a couple of washings a week. It can be dressed up (aka paired with jeans) when absolutely necessary, and I have to admit that I have even worn it as a pajama shirt once or twice (gasp!). So, you see it is comfortable, well-made, cute, cozy and versatile. What more could you ask for in a t-shirt? Priced at $19.50 you just can't go wrong with this wardrobe staple!

Things I Like....Gap Body Pure Body Long Sleeved T-Shirt

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Comes the Peace

A Little Background
My husband and I lived in Boston together for about ten years before moving to Rochester when our daughter Anna was born in 2005. This probably sounds ridiculous, but during that time we developed a very special relationship with a little boutique in a little town called Newton just outside of the city. We always knew we could count on this place to have the perfect unique gift for any person for any event in any price range at any time...and if they didn't have it, an woman named Kim would make it her mission to find it for us. Kim is a gorgeous, stylish, tiny little woman. She is the kind of person who is small in stature, soft spoken and kind hearted, a powerhouse of positive energy--she has an amazing presence-- one of those people in your life who, although peripheral, somehow has a deep impact in small, but very meaningful ways. We knew that Kim was from East Asia and would frequently travel to India, Nepal and Tibet and bring back the most amazing pieces of jewelry,textiles and art. She also had an amazing eye for local finds! Kim worked closely with Mitia (aforementioned husband) to find my engagement ring, the earrings he gave to me on our wedding day, and many subsequent gifts--each unique piece accompanied by a fabulous tale from a far away land (fair trade!). As a result, I have a small collection of deeply personal jewelry complete with stories and history that I hold dear....but, I digress!

We always thought that Kim owned the boutique, or was married to the owner and in all of our years of working together and getting to know one and other, we never new what a truly amazing survivor she was or anything about the incredible life she was leading outside of this little shop. After we left Boston, Kim opened up her own boutique two doors down from the one she had been working at. On one of our visits back to the city, we decided to stop into her brilliant (literally, as it is filled with the most beautiful textiles) new shop and say hello to our old friend. During that visit we met Kim's real husband, not the husband we had imagined for her, and he generously provided us with a copy of this book, his book that he had just completed writing. We had a nice time catching up, impulsively bought a piece of art that we fell in love with but could not really afford, and left happily back to Rochester, still having no real clue about the lives of our friend Kim, and her husband, our new friend Daja--and honestly, completely ignorant to even consider that the owners of this gorgeous shop who had brought us so much happiness and ornamented our lives so beautifully and so personally could have conceivably lived the lives so richly and heart-breakingly detailed in this book.

Comes the Peace, by Daja Meston
This book is a memoir and as the title states, a chronicle of a remarkable journey to peace and forgiveness. You will not be able to put this book down---it reads like a work of fiction as, at times, the story seems truly unbelievable. It begins with Daja's daring escape from a Chinese prison in 1999, an attempt that left him with two crushed ankles. I will not spoil the book for you by providing too many details about the story (which would be quite impossible anyway!), but his harrowing life story began many years before when his parents, hippies from California, decided that their little blue-eyed blonde baby would best be raised by Buddhists and left him with a family in Nepal when he was 2. Despite his difference in appearance, Daja thought he was a natural member of this family and only discovered the truth when they dropped him at a monastery in Tibet when he was 6. 6!! (My boys are six, I just can't imagine!) His story of physical and emotional survival, escape, recovery and search for understanding and forgiveness are remarkable on their own, add to it the story of the life of his wife Kim(referred to interchangeable as Phuni in the text)and you will have no choice but to believe in the concept of a fated existence! What these two have experienced separately in their lives is almost unimaginable, and the fact that they found each other in this world is almost inconceivable!
So....a really great story that is easy to get immersed in quite quickly--a good, good read! The thing that I like best about this book is that although the story is truly heavy in parts, it does not leave you heavy with grief and anger or with a sense of despair. What it will hopefully leave you with is a new perspective in many regards, a renewed sense of awe for the human spirit, gratitude for the life you lead and a deeper understanding of what it might mean to find peace through forgiveness.

Things I like....Comes the Peace by Daja Weston and Karma in Newton Centre, MA (2 for 1, aren't you lucky?!?!?!)


My kids dream of going to Disney World, my husband desires to fly fish out I dream of one day being pampered at the Arcona Studio in Santa Monica!! White tea, berry enzymes, yucca, cranberry, raspberry, lemon extract, butcher's broom, grape seed, wine extracts...just some of the delicious ingredients in Arcona skin care products! I am hooked, a true convert and you could say my love for Arcona is a borderline obsession!! Not only do the products feel wonderful on your skin, but they smell divine!! The products are organic and chemical free. According to the Arcona website, they are cold pressed in small batches to keep the ingredients active and effective, which differs from traditional skin care products that are heat processed "which ultimately leaves nutrients lifeless and ineffective. Think of what happens to fresh vegetables when they are overcooked!" I don't know if all of that really matters, I am not a dermatologist or skin care expert, but I have to tell you, I don't really care because my skin is left feeling and looking great, so whatever they are doing, it is all good!

Yes, the products may be a bit pricier than the ones you will find in your local drugstore, but I have noticed that they last a lot longer! I have used the raspberry cleansing bar, cranberry firming gel and magic white ice (yes, it is magic!) and would recommend them all!

Things I Like...Arcona

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So it seems that everyone is blogging these days. I may be a bit late to the game (oh so typical!), but am totally inspired by Dooce who seems to have made a living writing about, well, nothing much! I thought, hey, I can do that too!! (The blogging part, not the making a living by blogging part.) So, with no expectations other than that of filling some time that would otherwise be spent on facebook, the Jersey Shore, or in a crossword puzzle, I decided to try blogging. This is one of about 4 blogs I created today in a fit of blogosphere frenzy, the others have to deal with preemies and cooking and living generously....all interesting to me, but I am not sure anyone would really want to read them...which is part of the purpose of a blog, right? have readers (kind of like if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there scenario....if you write a blog and nobody reads it, is it really a blog?). Anyhow, without getting too deep into the philosophy of the damned thing, I started to think about what I want to write about or rather, what I don't want to write about. I love my friends and their families and their children and their jobs and their neuroses all dearly, but I don't think the blogging world needs another frantic mom talking about the joys and challenges of marriage/motherhood/working/not working/balancing/not balancing/child-rearing/husband training/chronicling every precious and precocious thing that junior did that day. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading all of these quirky annecdotes and amusing escapades, but does the blogosphere really need another harried mother?? Enough already! My life as mom is certainly as interesting/challenging/rewarding, but I have decided that this blog is tasked with getting me out of that space, if even for just a moment!

So, back to square one, what the hell do I blog about? What do I find interesting? What do I turn to for an escape for a few minutes? What would enrich my life if even in the smallest way? If you know me, you are probably thinking, here it comes, yoga.....but, haha, you are wrong, however, I do have to allude to yoga to get to my Yoga newsletter. My peeps at Breathe put out a great little newsletter each month and my favorite section is the playlist---a featured yogi shares his/her favorite tunes to flow to. I love these unsolicited suggestions of great music and find myself instantly turning to itunes to look any unknown songs up....and when I hear a good one, it is like a little treasure, an unexpected gift that I have been given. Such simple joy!! AHA MOMENT! I love learning about what other people like-- music, food, clothing, kids stuff, new products, etc. and I love to share what I like. I get excited to share a new song that makes me sing out loud or moves me to tears, a great t-shirt that is figure flattering and comfortable or a pair of cozy sweats you can wear around town without looking like that mom (you know who I mean!), a yummy recipe that I have just discovered and has in some way made my life easier, a fabulous new perfume/lotion/soap, a great new book shared with the kids or just for me, a yoga pose that makes me say aaahhhhh....and the list goes on and on! So, think Oprah's Favorite Things, or Martha's Good Things, but from me..woman/mom/wife/sister/auntie/friend who is also a dynamic person who has her own interests and really wants to get back to them and would love nothing more than to share them! I am sure there are similar blogs out there, but this one is less commercial and more personal, from my heart and soul to yours!! And so, in an attempt to live generously, regain a few cerebral moments and to write about things I like, love and may at times be wholly obsessed with, I give to you 365 days of my favorite things (cue Julie Andrews)!! Some big, some small, some more expensive than others, some absolutely free....I hope that you love some of them as much as I do!!

And so, without further ado, favorite thing numero uno a true gift from my heart and soul to mark the birth of my blog: Baba's Homemade Chicken Soup.

Homemade Chicken Soup aka The Golden Broth of Life.

On a day like today, when the snow is falling, we are all sniffling and sneezing and it feels like winter will never end, it is more than appropriate to share a tried and true family recipe and one of my absolute favorite things in Baba's Chicken Soup (Baba=grandma). Family lore has it that my mom's mother, Anna, worked as a nanny for a well-to-do Jewish family in NYC when she was in her 20's. They taught her how to make the most delicious, clean, wholesome foods....the best of the best? Her Chicken Soup. This soup is such a winter staple in my family (my mom, her sisters and all of their children) that it has taken on a cult following all its own...outsiders just don't understand the obsession with this soup.....that is, until they have tasted it, and then they are converted! I promise you, once you make this healthy, nourishing, delicious soup, it will quickly become a winter staple in your family!! And yes, we do refer to it as the Golden Broth of Life!

No magic, no special ingredients. Culinary skills needed--boiling water!

This truly is a gift that I am sharing with you!!!

Baba's Chicken Soup

6+lb stewing hen---get this from a real butcher, like Sam, not your grocer. Don't get a roaster or a "whole chicken cut up" it has to be a stewing hen (I have used a roaster before if it is very fat, but the stewing hen is the best!). Try to be kind and request a free range chicken fed a vegeterian diet...avoid chickens fed any type of growth hormones....cruel to the chicken and cruel to you! You can ask the butcher to quarter or half the chicken, or keep it whole, it really doesn't matter. Just make sure that he includes all of the innards as they add major flavor to the broth.


Celery (with the leaves)
Curly Parsley
5-6 Carrots
Large cooking onion

Kosher Salt
Fine Egg Noodles

Make it!

1. Clean the bird. Rinse it under hot tap water. Place it in a good sized stock pot (8 qt) and rinse it a few more times with cold water (ie: fill the pot, dump and repeat).

2. Fill the pot with cold water just enough to cover the chicken. Place it on the stove and bring to a boil.

3. While water is working to the boil, clean your veggies well. Peel and cut the ends of the carrots, peel the onion, and make a bouquet out of the celery and parsley. Separate the celery and use it to encircle the parsley bouquet (kind of like stuffing the celery). Tie the celery bouquet with white thread or cooking string---this is to help keep the soup clean and will avoid the celery and parsley from cooking apart. You could also place the celery and parsley in cheese cloth....but there is something about the art of tying the veggies together that makes this special!

4. Before the water comes to a boil, you must skim the scum. With a soup spoon and a mug, dredge all of the frothy scum that rises to the top of the soup ....imporant to get to it before the soup comes to a rolling boil!

5. Once the scum has been skimmed, reduce to a simmer, drop in the onion, carrots and place the celery/parsley bouquet on top. Sprinkle in a bit of Kosher salt, lid and simmer for about 5 hours. I usually get this soup on around noon to be served for 6pm dinner...this is the key, let it cook, cook, cook for full flavor!

6. Before serving, dispose of the onion, celery/parsley. They are too overcooked to keep as part of the soup, the carrots can be cut up and added to each bowl. Pull some pieces of chicken out and place on a separate plate to be eaten separately or to be added into the soup. Serve by ladeling the soup through a hand strainer over fine egg noodles (pennsylvania dutch or manischewitz) or matzo balls (again, manischewitz mix or from scratch) . You want to use the strainer to catch any chicken bones, etc. Salt and Pepper to taste

6. Chicken soup is always better the second day. To store, strain the soup into a storage container. Select the chicken meat you want to keep and store it separately (you can add it back to the soup as you serve, or use it for other recipes like chicken salad). The next time you take the soup out of the refrigerator, you will notice the fat has formed a film on top...skim it off before re-heating the broth.

VIOLA!!! Baba's Homemade Chicken Soup!! I truly hope you enjoy!!

Check back tomorrow for another of my most favorite things!