Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Snack Happened

Ok moms, you are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this product!! Genius! This is a "why didn't I think of that?" product! Adorable (and I do mean adorable!) reusable and washable snack bags!! Say sayonara to eco-unfriendly plastic baggies that bust open in your purse, and bye-bye to those bulky plastic, Tupperware-esque containers with missing lids! Make room for fashion and function in these fabulous snack bags. Little ones can use them on playdates at the park, rides in the car, a snack while strolling at the mall, lunch out or at daycare and for our older "babies" these may be a welcome addition to lunch boxes. Throw them in the laundry at the end of the day and you are good to go! Seriously, why didn't I think of that??
Itzy Ritzy has so many other great baby products it makes me almost want to have another just to tout their goods...almost.....

Things I Like...Itzy Ritzy Snack Happened @ Itzy (Love it!)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A chocolate a day....

Just in time for Easter...the mecca of chocolate holidays, yet another study released touting the health benefits of my best friend, chocolate. And as per every other study, it is reported that just a very small amount of dark chocolate is all that is needed to keep blood pressure down and the heart healthy. The small amount is about the size of one foil wrapped Easter egg. Yeeaaahhh...well, that probably explains why my blood pressure is super low and I would guess I could also safely assume based upon my daily chocolate consumption that my heart is super healthy. Seriously, I am not eating candy bars every day, but really, one little egg? Who can do that? And to all you people out there who shake your head because I serve my children chocolate for breakfast (homemade from scratch chocolate chip waffles) every morning...ha! I am just making sure they get their daily dose of heart protection!

Things I like...A daily dose (or two or three)of chocolate

Thursday, March 25, 2010

a long weekend....

Who doesn't love a long weekend? Luckily for me, this weekend is a long one filled with family celebration and lots of good cheer (meaning wine). I fully intend to tune out and turn off all things internet-related, including this blog, in order to spend some quality time with people I love that I don't get to see nearly enough...unless/until I need a break from family time, pawn my children off for a few hours and hide out with the, perhaps there will be a surprise blog, but chances are slim. So, to fill the blog void, listed below, in no particular order are the things I like for Thursday-Sunday :)

Things I Like....
Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Chocolate Chip Ice should just be called Divine

Sleeping in a well made bed with clean sheets

Chelsea Handler--I think we could be best friends.


Things I Like...And we are off!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the packing list

The Packing List then....
Box of diapers for girl
Box of diapers/pull-ups for boys
Box of wipes
Can of formula for her
Baby bottles
Sippy cups
Box of jars of baby food for her
Box of food boys will eat
Diaper bag for her
Diaper bag for them
Double Stroller for boys
Single Stroller for her
Three umbrella strollers (just in case)
3 high chair seats
baby gates x3
pack-n-play for her
2 bed rails for them'
pillows x3
blankies x 3
binkies x2 (she sucks her thumb!)
two night lights
portable fan x2 for white noise in kids rooms
medicine bag
toothbrushes x 5
Suitcase for Boys
Small suitcase for girl
Suitcase for us
Suitcase for Au Pair
Add another large duffle in winter for boots, hats, mittens, snowpants, jackets
Bag of shoes for everyone
DVDs and DVD Player
Bag of toys
Snacks for car
Au Pair
Dog food
I know I am forgetting something...

The Packing List now....
Suitcase for them
Suitcase for us
Bag of shoes for everyone
night lights
alarm clock for boys (so they don't get up at o'dark thirty)
medicine bag
toothbrushes x5
DVDs and DVD player
back pack for each kid with favorite book/toy/leapster/blanky/snack/water
Dog Food
I know I am forgetting something...

Things I like....the list IS getting shorter!

packing list

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Let's just call it....

Seriously head and shoulders above the we really need to bother week after week with the others?

Things I Like....Crystal Bowersox

Monday, March 22, 2010

Never Ending Playdate

We live a constant playdate...from 6am to 7pm....everyday. Depending upon the day, this can be a curse or a blessing and even on the best of days, it is exhausting...there is no rest for the weary in this house! But, observing the kids today (a really good day), I realized what an awesome experience it is for them, this constant playdate, and what a truly amazing gift we have given to them.

The never ending playdate...they are as excited each and every morning to see each other as if it has been weeks since they last played together, and then of course, they fight, and then hug it out. They share stories over lunch from their day and laugh at the silly details. They play neighborhood- where Gi Joe, Batman, Darth Vader, Barbie and Polly Pocket all go about their daily business together. They make art and serve as each others muse. They cuddle up and watch movies together. They teach each other how to be patient and how sometimes (especially in our home) you have to speak up to be heard. They correct each other and console each other. They problem solve for each other. They share in their accomplishments and disappointments, and daily, what they aspire to be when they grow up. And, did I mention that they fight?....a lot?

Morning, noon and night, they are each others constant companions. Some days it works, really well, others, like when two decide they want to play without the third and the drama ensues, I have those moments when I wish I knew what it was like to just have one at home at a time, a luxury I never experienced--but those are simply moments, rare, fleeting moments. I know that soon enough they will be growing up and moving in different directions and I will miss observing (refereeing?) these wonderful crazy days, and they will have been gifted with enduring friendships and memories of days filled with the never ending playdate that was their childhood.

Things I like...the constant playdate (most days!)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Deb's Gemelli

My friend Deb is an amazing cook! Many of my favorite recipes came from her kitchen! This is one of them!

Deb's Gemelli

2-3 cloves garlic crushed
red pepper flakes
12-14 plum tomatoes
fresh basil
1 container sun dried tomato/basil feta
grated parm
1 lb. Gemelli pasta

Coat bottom of sauce pan with EVOO, add crushed garlic and sprinkling of red pepper flakes
Saute garlic on med heat
Remove most of garlic once browned, keep on separate plate

Wash and dice tomatoes...add to the sauce pan and cook over med heat until reduced to a sauce, stirring occasionally (half hour to 45 minutes)
Once reduced add in feta (I usually use most of the container) and continue to simmer on low--you can also sprinkle in some parm.

Boil gemelli until al dente

Once cooked, add gemelli to the sauce and cook for about 5 minutes
Wash and tear a few fresh basil leaves and add to sauce

Serve with crusty bread, a sprinkle of parm

You can also sprinkle the cooked garlic on top, or add some olive oil to the garlic plate and dip bread in it...yum!!


Things I Like...Deb's Gemelli

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Obvious Child

Did you ever hear a song that you forgot existed that instantly conjures up a memory that you haven't thought of probably since the day it happened? Well, that is exactly what happened to me this week, and now I can't stop listening to the song!! Enter Paul Simon's The Obvious Child. I heard it on the way back from yoga on Thursday night and it instantly transported me back to friend Kristen's living room...her mom teaching us moves she learned from an African Dancing class...there we were, the three of use dancing around in their living room to this great song...laughing and having a great worries "these songs are true, these days are ours, these tears are free!" And after singing the lyrics of this great song all week, I am once again in awe at how the universe how appropriate it is that this song brought back this memory of this wonderful high school sister-friend...and how timely it is for my life at this moment.

Things I Like....that the cross is always in the ballpark!

Friday, March 19, 2010

LOL at Target

Cute, cute, cute! And at $14.99, a steal, considering dresses designed on Liberty of London fabric (not for Target) sell for £500.00+!! The collection is getting rave reviews, and although Target is not selling actual LOL fabric, they are selling licensed LOL prints on cotton, so the quality, while not that of LOL is not bad, especially for the price....especially for the kids stuff!! This little dress is sold out on line, so I am hoping that it will still be available at my local Target! If you haven't checked out the Liberty of London loot at Target, run to your nearest store!

Things I Like...Liberty of London for Target

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Everyhwere you go....

....always take the weather with you! I love the fact that it is March in Rochester and we have had an entire week of sunny days and warm weather. The kids have been riding bikes, climbing on their swingset, rolling in the grass (and mud), playing tag and soccer and what time is it Mr. Fox?, and just generally enjoying the outside and getting lots and lots of fresh air....which means their eyes are closing before their heads hit the pillow and they are enjoying great sleep! I know this weather is not going to last as they are already calling for the s-word on Monday, but we still have 60 degrees to look forward to tomorrow and 70 on Saturday, so this Western New Yorker who knows this March weather is a gift! (no matter how short or long-lived)fully intends to enjoy it!!

Things I Like...70 degree days in March!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter, Julie, had telephoned to say, "Mom, you must come see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from my place by the beach to her lakeside mountain home.

"I will come next Tuesday," I promised, a little reluctantly, on her third call. The next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I got in the car and began the long, tedious drive.

When I finally walked into Julie's house and hugged and greeted my grandchildren, I said, "Forget the daffodils, Julie! The road is invisible in the clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and the children that I want to see bad enough to drive another inch!"

My daughter smiled calmly, "We drive in this all the time, Mom."

"Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears and then I'm heading straight for home!" I said, rather emphatically.

"Gee, Mom, I was hoping you'd take me over to the garage to pick up my car," Julie said with a forlorn look in her eyes.

"How far will we have to drive?"

Smiling she answered, "Just a few blocks, I'll drive ... I'm used to this."

After several minutes on the cold, foggy road, I had to ask "Where are we going? This isn't the way to the garage!"

"We're going to the garage the long way," Julie smiled, "by way of the daffodils."

"Julie," I said sternly, "please turn around."

"It's all right, Mom, I promise, you will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."

After about twenty minutes we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church I saw a hand-lettered sign ...

"Daffodil Garden"

We got out of the car and each took a child's hand, and I followed Julie down the path. As we turned a corner of the path, and I looked up and gasped.

Before me lay the most glorious sight. It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, saffron, and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted as a group so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue.

Five acres of the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen!

"Who planted all these?" I asked Julie.

"It's just one woman," Julie answered, "She lives on the property. That's her home," and she pointed to a well-kept A-frame house that looked small and modest in the midst of all that glory.

We walked up to the house and on the little patio we saw a poster ...

Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking

50,000 bulbs
one at a time
by one woman
2 hands, 2 feet
and very little brain
Began in 1958

There it was ... "The Daffodil Principle"

For me that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than thirty-five years before, had begun - one bulb at a time - to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top.

Still, this unknown, old woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. She had created something of magnificent beauty, and inspiration.

The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration:

learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time, (often just one baby-step at a time)
learning to love the doing,
learning to use the accumulation of time
When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world.

"It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Julie, "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years. Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"

My daughter summed up the message of the day in her direct way, "Start tomorrow, Mom," she said, "It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of our yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson a celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask ... "

"How can I put this to use today?"


Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards, Author

Things I Like...Daffodil Days

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My current favorite pose, plank! I all of a sudden feel so strong when in plank-- like I could hold it forever. I even have moments during the day when I just want to drop down into plank...weird, I know. It is a total body experience from the tips of the fingers through the tips of the toes...I feel like I grow inches in this pose, pushing back through the heels and pulling in through the makes me feel taller, like my spine is super stretched, and for a girl with height envy, that is key!

Things I like...Plank pose

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ab Fab Grocery Bag--(aka a must have for Anna D)

Seriously? How awesome are these bags?? It was only a matter of time until someone designed a truly cool, truly fabulous reusable grocery tote! Time to trade up the frumpy black and/or fruit print Weggies brand bags and/or the hug a tree Whole Foods bags and save the planet like you mean it! Nobody will be able to miss you in the cereal aisle--and these little shining delights are sure to be the conversation piece at the register! They are a bit pricey at $20 each, but really, that is such a small price for being a fabulous, planet-conscious and shiny shopper!

Things I Like.... Vere Reusable Shopper for shiny, happy people!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nueva Cocina

I think that I could probably alternate Italian and Mexican foods for each meal and live a very happy life! I found the Nueva Cocina Sopa De Frijoles Negros con Chipotle Chile at Weggies in the International/Mexican Food isle and was so impressed with the ingredient list and nutritional information, that I decided to give it a try! Well, I made it for lunch on this dank and dreary day and have to say that I am muy impressado! This soup is DELICIOSO!! I am a bit of a soup snob, I usually only eat homemade soups and besides Campbell's Healthy Choice Tomato, have never found a canned/pre-packaged soup that I like...and I love black bean soups so I was a bit skeptical at trying this one. I can say that this soup has won me over, tastes like homemade and will definitely be a staple in our pantry!! The soup does not skimp on the beans and you can actually see the other is not just an overly diluted broth with a stray bean here and there! It could also very easily serve as a hot dip appetizer with some Wegmans blue corn all natural tortilla chips and homemade guac---yum!!

The best part about this soup mix is that the ingredients are all natural, there are no preservatives or additives and besides a sodium content that is a bit high, it is actually very nutritious! AND it comes in a bag, not a can so you also don't have to worry about that nasty bisphenol A (yes, this estrogen-mimicking chemical is also being found in canned goods--as much as double the levels found in baby/plastic bottles!) It really does look and taste like a homemade soup and is an incredibly fast and delicious meal to make!

Things I Like....Nueva Cocina Sopa De Frijoles Negros con Chipotle Chile

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Big chunks of Lucite

I am not usually one to sport big, chunky jewelry, but I have to say that I am loving the oversized jewelry trend this season, specifically the big chunks of Lucite. There is just something very clean and appealing about the necklace above..a bit preppy, a bit modern...dress it up...dress it down....big chunky Lucite all tied up with string...these are a few of my favorite things....

I am especially loving the big, chunky and MESSY necklaces like the one below, which is a bit out of character for this type-A, ultra organized, everything in its place, not a big fan of messiness kind of gal'....but I'm loving this necklace (too bad it is about $400).

And of course, my man M. Kors does not disappoint with his Lucite bracelet it!

All of these gems can be found on the Bloomies site.

Things I Like...Lucite!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Broccoli Rabe with Oreccchiette

Broccoli Rabe, Rapini, Broccoletti, Brocci di Rapi, Cime di Rap, Rappi, Friarielli...whatever you call it, this leafy green bouquet is easy to cook, delicious and sooo nutritious--chock-full of vitamins A, C, K, as well as calcium, iron, and potassium.

This is one of my favorite recipes:

1-2 bunches broccoli rabe chopped
3-4 garlic cloves thickly sliced
red pepper flakes
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 lemon

1 lb orecchiette pasta

freshly grated parm cheese
salt and pepper

Chop broccoli rabe and soak in a bowl of cold water
In a heavy skillet, slowly sautee garlic and red pepper flakes, slowly increase temperature to get the oil very hot (sizzling!)
Once oil is popping, drain the rabe and add by handfuls to the skillet (I usually place the skillet in the sink as the oil will pop and splash once the rabe is added to it)
Return skillet to low heat and stir the broccoli rabe until wilted. Remove from heat, cover and let stand about 10 minutes. A few minutes in, add the juice from half a lemon.

Boil orecchiette, drain and return to pot
Add the broccoli rabe/oil to the pasta and combine.
Salt and pepper to taste

Serve topped with fresh grated parm.


Things I Like...Leafy greens!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Watch this

...and then support the March of Dimes.

This is one of many procedures our babies endured during those first fragile days of their lives. This is one of the many, many reasons we are passionate about supporting the March of Dimes.

This is a photo of Max during his first week of life.

This is a photo of Max today.

This is a link to our March of Dimes March for Babies Team Page: If you choose to donate, you can pay online-— it’s easy and secure. You can also donate by a check made payable to the March of Dimes. Any amount you can give will mean a lot.

Things I Like....March of Dimes!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big Bad Bunny

I love reading to my kids---bedtime story-time is definitely the highlight of each day. Every night after tubby, the kids each get to pick a book that they want to read (and now they are reading to us!). Tonight, Anna's pick was Big Bad Bunny by Franny Billingsley. What a great book!! Anna, being the youngest and my baby, really appreciated the adorable tale of Baby Boo-Boo....she could completely relate to not wanting to always be the baby (Baby?! GRRRRR.Stomp.Roar!) The illustrations are adorable and the story is repetitive, so great for reading aloud and reading along!

Things I Like....Baby Boo-Boo, Mama Mouse and Big Bad Bunny

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Zach Galifianakis on SNL

So, I am of the opinion that much of SNL lately has not been that fact, it has been pretty damn bad! A few skits here and there usually starring Kristin Wiig (Canandaigua native, woot! woot!)seem to be providing us viewers with the hope of something funny yet to come, so we keep faithfully watching week after week. And yet, week after week, the show seems to disappoint...they are in a real slump. This past week, however, I have to say the show was pretty damn funny (if you were able to watch on fast forward and skip the not so funny stuff..ah hem bidet...)....mostly due to Zach G...who seemed to be somewhere out in left field, operating on another plane, reading the teleprompter way too much and sill stumbling over his lines. He looked like he was kind of stinky and at times really uncomfortable, but I think that is his appeal, he is kind of that awkward, creepy guy who might be harmless, but might also be the perv next door, you really can't tell...he comes across as being raw (as in unpolished) and he was really, really funny. The opening monologue was so oddly funny, it was refreshing in a way (oh your out of that? how about Wolf Blitzer at Burning Man; I have just returned from Canada opening for Miles Davis, I mean, Kilometer Davis--funny stuff!) and definitely funnier than Ashton in his undies, which, clue phone!, was not funny. The rest of the show had its moments...the kissing family skit was hard to watch, but really funny (some suggest they are loosely based on my family--we are very huggy lovey!). The 30 years of Zach on NBC was creative and hysterical--especially the Law and Order scene (pew...pew)...and then there was the flute player in that creepy beige jumpsuit...definitely laugh out loud funny all the while maintaining that slightly gross, creepy factor!! So writing this, I am realizing that perhaps I have just been surrounded by 6 year old boy humor for far too long and that may have been the appeal to me this weekend, it was familiar...silly, goofy, little boy, stink humor.

Things I Like...In my opinion, Zach and JT should alternate hosting from here on out!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jackie-O sunglasses

My daughter is a style maven--she has been since she was about 2. She insists on picking her outfits everyday and most days her style just amazes me. She knows what she wants to look like and cannot be swayed. So, I don't fight it, I just let her do her thing and encourage her delight at pulling herself together. She has a definite style all her own, and most days, her style works! In this photo, she is channeling Jakie-O--oversized sunglasses, white gloves...she is just missing a pillbox hat and a Cartier watch! I love this photo, the joy and confidence...and the sunglasses!!

Things I little Jackie-Ohhhhhh

Sunday, March 7, 2010

They're back....

Big moment of weakness today--I think I just about ate my weight in mini eggs! I love these little crunchy candies and I was so happy to see them in the store that I had to buy them as a treat for the kids (that is what I told myself, anyway!). Whatever, they were delicious and a once a year treat...and to me, they signify the end of the candy season (candy season runs from Halloween through Easter). The last hurrah before spring/summer when we can finally usher out the holiday candy (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines and finally, Easter!) and welcome in the fresh produce of spring and summer (nature's candy!). Get them while you can!

Things I Like...Cadbury Mini Eggs

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jewelry that can change a life

When I left my house this cold, sunny morning, I anticipated enjoying a hot, sweaty, centering vinyasa class. When I arrived at the studio, the buzz was all about these beautiful, colorful beaded necklaces and bracelets that the owner, Cyndi, had brought back from her recent trip to Uganda. Cyndi traveled to Uganda with Off the Mat Into the World, an amazing group of yogis united to make a difference in the world ( In 2009, Off the Mat raised half a million dollars (Cyndi and the Rochester community raised $20,000 of that total!) and focused on eradicating the tremendous financial and health crises that exist in sub-Saharan Africa. I have not heard the details of the trip, but I know that while in Uganda, the OTM team worked to literally rebuild a birthing center, building it up brick by brick and providing some basic supplies to make the center safer for laboring women and their newborns. Something like 6000 women a year die in childbirth in Uganda, c-sections are regularly performed without anesthesia and one pair of disposable rubber gloves and a one-use birthing kit is used 15 times before being discarded! The money raised went a long way in helping many women--which brings me back to these beads. In an effort to continue helping the women in Uganda, Cyndi brought back these gorgeous beaded necklaces and bracelets and is donating 100% of the proceeds.

How gorgeous are these colors? These beaded necklaces are just perfect to bring in Spring!! And there is a great story to them! Looking at this photo you would never know that these beads are actually made from scraps of paper rolled tightly and threaded together in beautiful designs. These truly beautiful pieces are made by a group of Ugandan women. To be a member of this "artists" group, each woman had to apply, the criteria: mother, widow, HIV positive. Over 600 women applied. There are about 21 or so women in this group, each is taught the trade and also how to manage the money to sustain their communities. By purchasing a necklace or a bracelet, you are literally helping to sustain a community of women and children who would otherwise have little to no means of supporting themselves and each other.

Breathe is selling the bracelets for $10 and the necklaces for $20 and they are truly beautiful! The best part is that through the purchase of these beautiful beaded necklaces and bracelets, you will be making a huge difference in the lives of so many women and children. So, while $10-$20 may not seem like a lot for us, wrap your head around this: just .10 (yes, a dime) provides one feeding for an infant (how many dimes do you have in your couch cushions and car floor alone?), $1 provides a days worth of food to an orphaned child (1/3 the cost of your cup of Starbucks), and just $1,000 can buy complete pre-natal care for 125 women(only 50 necklaces)! Our money really can go a long way and we can make a difference in ways that are effortless and enrich our lives as well. If you are in Rochester, stop by Breathe and treat yourself!!

So, needless to say, I got much more than I bargained for this morning...and while the yoga was great, the bracelet that I walked out with was a true gift, a symbol of hope and lives changed...mine included. Gratitude.

Things I like....Jewelry that can change a life

Friday, March 5, 2010

Flowing Tiers Tank

File this under love it, love it, love it, need it, must have it, will buy it! The spring catalog from Anthropologie arrived this week and it was not until today that I had a chance to peruse its lovely pages. And, I am still drooling. Their spring collection is very nice, and I am not usually a huge Anthropologie fan. The clothes this season are ultra feminine, textured, flowy, some great prints and just really, really pretty! Most are a bit too dressy (nice)for my immediate needs and current position as indentured servant, but I think I can definitely find some place to wear this tank to, and if not, screw it, I will wear it around after the kids go to bed or on a solo trip to Wegmans and just feel pretty!!

Things I Like... jersey and chiffon tank that will "shish and sway in the breeze"

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Lip Slip

I am a Burt's Bees lip balm kind of gal, but when I am feeling extra fancy I reach for The Lip Slip. This is the most luxurious lip balm is so luscious that I almost think it would be too indulgent to wear every day. It is creamy and glossy, it just melts into your lips and wears well all day long. Because it brings out the natural color in your lips and is just so pretty and shimmery, I like to substitute it for lipstick, which usually leaves my lips all dried out. I have also read it works wonders for dry nails and cuticles! For those truly special days, or not so special days where you just want to feel fabulous, treat your pucker to the full spa experience and try the lip scrub before applying the lip balm. Magic!

Things I Like...Sara Happ's Lip Slip

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Diary....

Is anyone else out there a lifelong journal keeper? I received my very first diary when I was in third grade (this is not a photo of my diary--my first one had a cat on it and came with a little gold lock and key) and I have been writing in my "dear diary" ever since. I still have that very first little diary, filled with grade school doodles and the angst of everything that comes with that time in life....names of people that I do not remember who were so important in that moment, events that have had lasting impacts on my life, and of course, pics of Rob Lowe, Michael Jackson and Ralph Macchio torn from the pages of BOP, Teen Beat and Tiger Beat.
In high school, the diary transitioned to a journal. I still have all of my high school journals, college journals, study abroad journal, and my "real-life" journal that I still write in religiously today--all chronicling my life and times...small moments, big events...bad days, good days...loves lost and found...tears of joy...tears of anger...tears of sadness...lots of laughter...all in there. A pressed flower picked while climbing Salisbury Hill evokes the memory of listening to Peter Gabriel singing the song that made the hill famous while climbing up with Liz and Sue, pictures from Christmas formals with the first boy who really broke my heart (and thank god he did!), stress associated with finals, graduation, moving to Boston, my first job, having the time of my life in Boston, getting married!!! getting married!!! getting married!!!...wanting a baby...trying to have a baby, not having a baby, not having a baby, not having a baby...the whole heart wrenching ordeal and finally, the joy of having BABIES!!! The fear and sadness of having those babies too soon...the stress and guilt of having micro-preemie babies...the pain and pride of watching them struggle and fight for their tiny lives...the cautious joy of finally welcoming them home and the excitement of watching them grow. Discovering #3was on its way so soon! A GIRL! The chaos and the fun of life with three little ones... and generally, all that comes with life in its full expression. Lessons learned, lives lost, loves gained....all this and more detailed in the moment. Reflective. Restorative.
As I am the person to always put things in writing, it was only natural that when I did have my children, that I started this tradition for them (whether they like it or not!). From day one, for each of my children, I have kept a journal for them, writing down their first moments, first milestones, cute sayings, challenging days and amazing accomplishments--it is my love story to them. To be completely honest, I started the boys' journals as therapy for myself when they were in the was a way for me to celebrate their lives, to document their days, and honestly, at the time, I was not sure if they were going to make it, so it was a way for me to ensure that I would always have them, those delicate memories from those delicate first days. I cherish these journals to my children and hope that one day they will understand what a gift this is to them and how the words are filled with heart, soul gratitude and hope.
I have also started having each of them keep a journal. This project began as a writing exercise, but really has turned into so much more! Each week, they write down a few sentences about something that they enjoyed doing the previous week, or something that they are looking forward to. At this point, there is a lot about video games, fun with uncles,aunts and cousins, snow and Champ. I know they will have fun reading these one day because I laugh a lot when they are writing them (not at them, of course!) Little frozen snip-its of time.

Things I dear diaries....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fro Yo

Yes, there is still snow on the ground, and it was a balmy 36 here today, but the boy next door wore shorts to school (no kidding) so I figured, what the heck, it's time to pull out the ice cream cones! My kids picked cookies n' cream and cookie dough, but me? I am a huge fan of Edy's Yogurt Blends. If you just say no to fro yo, you have to reconsider and try this, because I promise you, it is not your average frogurt. It is rich and creamy and just really, really good. It is gluten free, kosher and 110 calories for 1/2 cup (which is a good amount for a small ice cream cone) add the cone, and you have a tasty dessert for under 200 calories and 3.5grams of fat, not bad!. So, let's all think like my neighbor in the shorts, skip right past spring and welcome in summer with a frogurt cone!

Things I Like.....Edy's Cappuccino Chip Frozen Yogurt

Monday, March 1, 2010

My favorite tank

Well, they don't call it the favorite tank for nothing!! Definitely my most favorite piece of clothing ever...I wear one almost every day, in every season. Spring/Summer obvious choice, Fall/Winter GREAT for layering. Again, a piece of clothing that I own in almost every color (wait until later in the season and they have a 2 for sale!). The website states that the tank is even better this season (could it be possible?) and I just love how they have it paired with the jeans and the layered necklace...too cute!! In fact, the entire JCrew site is filled with adorable spring (& summer for Rochester!) attire!

Things I Like.....JCREW "New" Favorite Tank